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MicroFast Premium Yeast & Mold Count Plate


MicroFast Premium Yeast & Mold Count Plate is a sample-ready-culture medium system. It uses innovative technologies such as cold- water gel and new-generation microbial coloration to achieve rapid proliferation and interpretation of colonies, greatly improving the detection efficiency in the laboratory


  • Cost effective (storage space and equipment)
  • Easy operation in lab
  • Thermal damage to the medium is effectively avoided
  • Fully automated production


Ordering Information:

Catalogue NumberProducts  NameSpecification
LR1303MicroFast Premium Yeast & Mold Count Plate25T


Microfast® Aerobic Count Plate (AC) AOAC Validated

MicroFast® Aerobic Count Plate (AC) is designed to determine total aerobic bacteria populations. The plate contains prefabricated type of medium, cold water gel and indicator (TTC). It is intended for the aerobic count test for food and environment.Brochure-Microbiology Test. PDFMeizheng Bio-Tech Company Overview. PDF

Microfast® Yeast & Mold Count Plate (YM) AOAC Validated

MicroFast® Yeast & Mold (YM) Count Plate is a sample-ready culture medium system which contains improved media, cold-water-soluble gelling agent l and indicator that facilitates colony enumeration. It is intended for the test for food and food material.Brochure-Microbiology Test. PDFMeizheng Bio-Tech Company Overview. PDF

Microfast® Staphyloccocus Aureus Count Plate (SA) AOAC Validated

MicroFast® Staphylococcus aureus(SA) Count Plates is a sample-ready-culture medium system which contains improved media, cold-water-soluble gelling agent and indicator that facilitates colony enumeration. It is intended for Staphylococcus aureus test for food, food material and production environment.Brochure-Microbiology Test. PDFMeizheng Bio-Tech Company Overview. PDF

Microfast® Coliform & E. coli Count Plate (EC) AOAC Validated

MicroFast® Coliform & E. coli (EC) Count Plate is a sample-ready-culture medium system which contains improved media, cold-water-soluble gelling agent and indicator that facilitates colony enumeration. It is intended for the determination of coliform / Escherichia coli in food and production environments.Brochure-Microbiology Test. PDFMeizheng Bio-Tech Company Overview. PDF


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